Outcross have great options for quality people who want to work with livestock and/or livestock technology at our sites.
This is an exciting opportunity to develop your skills, and step into a market leading business and grow with it.It also provides scope to travel, and to be a part of a dynamic agricultural community. We are always looking for capable, motivated and passionate staff to join our team.Please feel free to reach out to our Managers in each area, or drop an email to jobs@outcross.com.au Current jobs availableQLD
Roma & Blackall - Josh Buttenshaw 0499 036 500
Casino - Tony Dean 0409 157 982
Dubbo, Forbes & Dunedoo - Ryan Johnston 0437 307 546 / Anthony Stephens 0429 573 646
Yass & Moss Vale - Tom Cooney 0473 886 657
Gundagai, Tumut & Cooma - Mark Buttenshaw 0427 866 638
Jake Last - 0427 008 811
Jo Mills - 0407 045 835
or email your resume to jobs@outcross.com.au
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